The little boys put on masks at one point, but also, they are identical twins, so they look exactly the same anyway. Every scene has some element of mirroring in it, the pictures on the wall mirroring the dolls in the fireplace, and so on. The film is so interesting about identity. We watched many different films together. I used Severin as a babysitter and I would pay him by renting him video cassettes because he was so into films. VF: We have known each other for 20 years. If I write alone and I have an idea I'm not sure about, it may take a week to decide to write it down or to drop it. If you imagine writing alone, it's a very lonely thing. SF: People say, "It must be really slow to work together, because you have to decide on everything together" but we think it's faster, actually.

It's about writing a really suspenseful film together. It's not about vanity or ego or being right. VF: If I have an idea and I tell him the idea, and he said, "It's bullshit" I would drop it because I know it's not good. If I have a feeling a scene is good or bad, I don't have to talk to her only because I know she feels the same. We have developed a very similar idea of what we like. We have the same ideas that we have developed over 20 years by watching films and discussing them.
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And there was one moment in the series when a child said the words, "It's not Mom. It's supposed to be a happy moment because the mother is so beautiful - in the standards of society - they look young again, they have good teeth now, but if you look closely at the children, you always can see a massive irritation because. They stage this magic moment on the red carpet and there is the family waiting for her. There was a German docu-soap series which inspired us, and it's about women getting facial operations, and separated from their families for months as they get their teeth done, their hair done, and after months they appear totally different in front of their families.

Veronika Franz: The basic idea was that a mother comes home and the children don't recognize her or doubt that she is their mother. How do you work together as a team in writing the script? I sat down with the directing/writing duo in New York recently to discuss the extremely enjoyable (and extremely extreme) "Goodnight Mommy."